Invite vs Invitation - English Grammar - Teaching Tips


This video breaks down the difference between the two words "invite" and "invitation". They are often used interchangeably but actually aren't synonyms. The word ?invite? is a verb and refers to the action of asking someone if they?d like to do something or go somewhere, such as here: 'I want to invite all my friends to a BBQ party'. "Invitation", on the other hand, is a noun and refers to the actual message of asking someone if they?d like to do something or go somewhere. A suitable example would be: 'I sent out an invitation to all my friends'. A very common mistake is to use 'invite' as a noun instead of 'invitation'. However, the sentence ?I haven?t responded to her invite yet? is incorrect and 'invitation' should be used.

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Conditionals involve 'if' or 'when' phrases and a main phras.
The if/when phrase indicates the condition that must be satisfied for the main clause to occu.
There are five conditional.
The zero conditional uses the present tense and deals with irrefutable action.
The first conditional also uses the present tense and relates to real situations that are probable in the future if the condition is fulfilled (if I pass this TEFL course, I will be a better teacher.
The second conditional utilizes the past simple tense and is for hypothetical situations that are presently untrue and unlikely to be so in the future (if I won the lottery I woul.
The third conditional uses the past perfect tense and a past participl.
This is for hypothetical situations with hypothetical consequences in the past (if this happened then this would have been the result.
The last conditional is the mixed conditiona.
It combines the second and third conditionals by using a hypothetical past action with a hypothetical present consequence (If I had done this, this would be the result now.
Some ideas for teaching conditionals involve splitting the sentences into the two clauses and having students match the consequence to the condition: letting students create their own result of a series of consequences; or having the students try to persuade someone to save them by telling their rescuer what would happen if they did save the.
Reported and direct speech involves one person informing another of what a third person sai.
If this happens at the time the conversation is taking place, then there is little change to what the person says to report, only changing the subject (I'm becomes He's et.
) However if the reporting is occurring after the conversation has finished the sentence reported must be changed to reflect tha.
This is reported, or indirect, speec.
The verb changes to the positive form and question marks are omitte.
Pronouns will change depending on the context, such as who is reporting the information and who the words were aimed a.
Expressions of time will also require adjustment, as if a person refers to today/yesterday/tomorrow/et.
the way the time relates to the report of the story will be differen.
As such 'today' becomes 'that day', 'yesterday' becomes 'the day before' and so o.
This is a very difficult factor of speech and as such students may have many difficulties with it and it should be taught slowl.
Methods of teaching reported speech can involve having a student act as an intermediary for two other students, such as in a quarrel or pretend to report a media intervie.

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