Mexico is the number one destination in the Americas for English language teachers. People come from all over the world to work there and the CELTA training center in Mexico City is the best place to start if you want to join them. With a course certificate in hand you will be able to choose from a wide range of opportunities in the city and beyond.
Mexico is a diverse country that offers a warm welcome to visitors no matter where they come from. The country is also steeped in history, with a heritage that stretches back centuries. Relics of its fascinating past can be seen all over the country, even in the bustling capital city that is also famous for its multicultural dynamic.
Although the country’s history can be seen in its many monuments within the capital, Mexico City can also boast a modern and highly developed infrastructure and a large number of peaceful parks and gardens for its residents and visitors to enjoy.
The School
The CELTA school in Mexico City is housed within the confines of an old colonial building that has been thoroughly modernized to suit its new purpose. Alongside the up-to-date classrooms and computer suite, you will also find patios and terraces that are perfect for studying or simply relaxing with your classmates. When in the classroom you will be taught and guided by a professional team of trainers who have vast levels of experience and qualifications.
As teaching positions are always available across the country, every graduate of the course will find themselves with plenty of options. The center has many connections in Mexico and will be able to provide all the help you need to get that all important first teaching job. If you plan to work elsewhere in the region, or even farther afield, we can also offer extensive help in your job search.
As the Mexico center is a long established institution in the local area it has developed good relationships with several guesthouses that offer trainees a special monthly rate. On top of this, the school also operates its own in-house accommodation option. Any accommodation that we recommend for you is guaranteed to have been inspected by us and to be close to transport links and other amenities. If you have any special requests the Mexico City training center will be happy to do all it can to accommodate them.
Course dates
Coming soon...
Please check out our other course locations if you wish to attend a course before this one becomes available...
Course fees
The total price is divided into: deposit and balance.
The deposit may be paid via a) credit card b) Paypal c) wire transfer d) Western Union.
Full fees must be received two weeks prior to the starting date of the course and they are non refundable. There is a deposit (500USD) to make within 72 hours of acceptance on the course to secure the place. This deposit is non refundable. All fees are in American dollars (USD) and may be subject to change. Payment is made online through our online platform.
US$ 500to be paid in advance
US$ 1295 to be paid two weeks before the start of the course
Accomodation Fees
And up
US$ 450
(to be paid on arrival)
What does CELTA stand for?
Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults.
Is CELTA a TESL or a TEFL certificate?
It’s both. CELTA covers methodology and techniques used in both TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) and TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language). CELTA is often called an ELT (English Language Teaching) certificate because it is applicable to all types of English Language Teaching.
Do you offer “the TESL certificate”?
There is no such thing as “the TESL certificate” just as there is no such thing as “the B.A.”. There are several kinds of TESL/TEFL/TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) certificates offered by many institutions. CELTA is one of those certificates. CELTA is an ELT (English Language Teaching) certificate, which encompasses TESL and TEFL. It is the most widely recognized and respected international pre-service certificate offered in Mexico and throughout the world.
Who recognizes the CELTA certificate?
CELTA is administered through the University of Cambridge English Language
Assessment Examinations and is recognized internationally by both private and public institutes. Within Mexico, we are the only institution which offers CELTA, and we are recognized by the Ministry of Education (SEP) and regional TESOL organizations.
Can I work in Mexico and other countries with CELTA?
Yes. CELTA is one of the most highly regarded qualifications for working in a private language school in Mexico. Many college and university ESL/EFL programmes are run much like private language schools and will hire teachers with a CELTA certificate. CELTA is the most requested pre- service teaching qualification by both public and private employers overseas. When checking websites advertising English teaching jobs, you will often see CELTA listed as the preferred qualification.
Why is CELTA so highly regarded?
CELTA is a standardized course overseen by the University of Cambridge English Language Assessment Examinations, which is part of Cambridge University in Cambridge, England. Cambridge English Language Assessment ensures that all CELTA courses meet their standards regarding curriculum and methods of assessment. Cambridge-appointed assessors visit every CELTA course in the world to ensure standardization. IH Mexico runs 20 CELTA courses per year, in 4 different locations, and is therefore visited 20 times per year by Cambridge assessors. Because CELTA is offered in centres all over the world, employers have become familiar with what the course entails. They tend to know what they are getting when they hire a person with a CELTA certificate. Employers have confidence that anyone with a CELTA certificate has received effective, practical, real-world training that has prepared them to go directly into a teaching position.
Can I do the course if English is not my first language?
Yes, your English needs to be of a near-native level. This means that you need to have a command of English that allows you to complete all written assignments and teaching practice requirements to the University of Cambridge standards.
Do I need teaching experience to take the CELTA?
No. Prior teaching experience is not a necessary prerequisite to being accepted onto a CELTA course.
I’ve heard that CELTA is really hard. Why is this?
CELTA is not hard in the sense that the material is complicated to understand. The course is often considered difficult because it is very intensive and there are many deadlines to meet in the space of a month (or 16 weeks in its extensive form). When taken intensively, it is a full-time commitment for 4 weeks. Evenings and weekends are devoted to completing assignments and preparing lessons for teaching practice. Time management skills are very important to success on this course. Furthermore, assessment is continuous. Each day there is a 2-hour teaching practice with real students drawn from the community. During that time, you have to put into practice what you have learned. The teaching practice is assessed by one of the course tutors and you are given written and oral feedback from your tutors and peers.
Does the centre offer help in finding jobs for its successful candidates?
We provide you with the website addresses of major recruiters of ELT teachers worldwide. We encourage you to contact them so the recruiters can then forward lists of current world-wide teaching vacancies. We often receive job ads from employers, specifically seeking our CELTA graduates. Likewise, we put you in contact with a local head of recruiting so that you can pursue job opportunities you might be interested in. Bear in mind that the training center in Mexico does not guarantee employment as it is your responsibility to pursue those job opportunities you are interested in.
Are there any additional costs?
There are no mandatory additional costs; however we strongly recommend that you buy the recommended books. There are some recommended books you are advised to buy as soon as you get accepted on the course. You may purchase these books or use the copies in the CELTA resource room. Most candidates prefer to purchase some of the books so that they have them at their disposal during the course. All the books are very valuable resources that many teachers buy for their personal libraries and continue to use after they complete the CELTA.
Do I need a computer?
Many people prefer using a computer to handwriting assignments and lesson plans. You will do a lot of writing on the course so if you want to use a computer and you have your own laptop, then by all means bring it with you and use our wireless network. We currently have five computers, which are connected to a printer in the CELTA resource room. These facilities are available for all candidates to use during course hours. We use Microsoft software and all computers provide Internet access. For the Blended course, you must have access to your own computer/laptop to work online with peers and the tutor.
Who teaches the CELTA course?
The CELTA tutors are highly experienced teachers who have also received CELTA Trainer accreditation through the University of Cambridge. They have completed both the CELTA and Delta qualifications and have many years of both teaching and training experience. Some of them have MAs in TESOL, Teacher Education, Applied Linguistics and ELT.