Where to study TESOL online

TESOL certification courses typically come in three different formats: In-class courses, online courses, and combined (hybrid) courses. Each of these options has its pluses and minuses, but they all lead towards the same goal of gaining the qualification you need to secure English language teaching jobs in countries all over the world. Below we take a look at all three study options so you can pick the right one to suit your personal learning style and your individual life situation.

In-class TESOL course

An in-class TESOL course offers a traditional route towards a teaching qualification, with most options in this category operating as full-time study over a four-week period at a dedicated training center. This study option has several benefits that you will not find with other methods of study. Possibly the most advantageous is the observed teaching practice (OTP) component that forms a significant part of the course. Every in-class course from ITTT includes several hours of real teaching practice that is supervised by our highly experienced course trainers. Each lesson will be planned and delivered under their watchful eye and they will provide guidance and practical help whenever required. These invaluable practice lessons always involve real language learners who have chosen to be in the class to improve their language skills.

You will also benefit from being taught the theory of teaching face-to-face and by interacting with your fellow coursemates. One final consideration is that once the course is complete you will be ready to interview for vacant jobs in the area of the training center where local employers will be fully aware of the quality of the training you have received.

For more information, take a look at our in-class TESOL course page.

Online TESOL course

If you are not in a position to travel to a training center to complete your TESOL course, an online option is a good alternative. This self-study route towards qualification will typically take a bit longer to complete than an in-class course, with most having a time limit of around six months. However, if you are keen to progress and willing to put in the necessary work, it is still possible to complete all sections of the course within a similar timeframe as the onsite version. The obvious main benefit of this option is that you get to choose how, when, and how long you study at any given time. Other than the overall time limit, there are generally no restrictions such as virtual lessons to attend or set times to be online. The other big bonus of going down the online study route is that the course will be significantly cheaper than an in-class equivalent due to the lower overheads involved.

With this course option there is no scheduled teaching practice as you would receive with an in-class course. However, all ITTT online courses come with the option of completing some teaching practice in your own local area. Something that can make a real difference to your confidence levels before you start work for real.

For more information, take a look at our online TESOL course page.

Combined TESOL course

Many TESOL trainees find that a mix of the two above study methods is the right choice for them. With this option you still study all the theory of teaching in the same way as the online course, by studying when and where you find to be the most convenient. You can take your time and work through the course modules at your own pace as you will have up to six months to complete the theory section. Or, if you have plenty of spare time and are keen to get moving, you can push through this section in just a few weeks. No matter what speed you work through the theory, once complete you can then choose to attend one of our training centers to finish your training and to get some teaching practice under your belt. One big difference with this option is that the onsite attendance is for only eight to ten days, rather than four weeks, making it much easier to fit into most people’s schedule.

For more information, take a look at our combined TESOL course page.

Register for your TEFL/TESOL Course!

  • 1The registration process is free and does not commit you in any way.
  • 2Anyone fluent in English and aged 18+ is eligible for our courses.
  • 3No previous experience or qualifications are required.
  • 4Register today and receive a free e-guide covering the basics of TEFL/TESOL.
  • 5All online courses are entirely flexible and self-paced. Work at your own pace in your own time!

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