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TESOL Online in KwaZulu Natal - Teacher English Jobs
Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified in KwaZulu Natal? Are you interested in teaching English in KwaZulu Natal? Check out our opportunities in this beautiful US state, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English in your community or abroad! offers a wide variety of Online TESOL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
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Illovo Beach
This unit was about textbooks and course materials. I could completely relate to this unit because I really don't like the textbook assigned to me by my prefecture. It's okay, but many of the activiti
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Teachers need to make sure to make good use of eye contact, gestures, voice, and students' names. Students can be grouped as a class, individually, in pairs, or in groups. Some ways the classroom can
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this unit covered the basic necessities of what is expected of a teacher and an understanding of their students. It starts with the qualities that are required of a teacher and does not shy away from
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There are four types of past tenses: simple, continuous, perfect, past continuous. The past simple is usually formed by adding -ed or -d to the base form of a verb. The past continuous is formed with
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The content from this unit breaks down the general idea of the relationship between the instructor and the students inside of the classroom. An instructor's behavior is broken down into "roles", all o
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Teaching has been described as the second most private activity, and yet the majority of humans are social animals with a need for connections, relationships, and social support. While many teachers m
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Every single word we use belongs to one of eight word groups or parts of speech.I learn about all eight word groups in the lesson, and I've transformmyself into a grammar guru. Everything else that ha
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This unit have taught me about the different roles of teachers in class. There are many roles that a good teachers should play throughout a class period such as a manager, organizers, assessors, etc.
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I have learned more detail of grammar indicator in this unit. For an example, THE is the one and only DEFINE ARTICLE. I had used i in regular speech but do not understand well how o explain it to stud
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This is new way o understand students and how to share information o students effectively. There are many differences of activities hat teachers could do in certain period of class in order to effecti
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Leaning of differences between future and present tense such as future simple tense, going to future tense, future continuous tense, present simple tense and present continuous tense. That taught me t
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Lesson planning is a very important part of being a teacher. It helps to ensure you are prepared for the lesson (materials ready, overhead projector working, etc.) as well as creating a historical ref
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La Lucia
The section covered coursebooks and lesson materials. Teachers have many avenues for books and materials. They can use Authentic materials such as Magazines, newspapers, songs, etc. A teacher can also
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La Mercy
This section has covered Evaluation and Testing. There are 3 min ways to determine language level: Tutorials, Evaluation by the students and Tests. Before a student joins the school they will do a pla
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This section has covered receptive skills. Theses skills are writing and reading. It is important to make the lesson subject of interest to the students so that they will be more likely to be engaging
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Unit 1 contained topics about roles that teachers and students have. Motivations, behaviors,and language levels. What I learned from this unit is that it takes both the teacher and students to coopera
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In this unit, different teaching methods were introduced. Along with the appropriate examples, activities and correction techniques. I learned a lot of activities and lesson planning/structuring. I le
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In this unit the four forms of the present tense was taught. It went through structures of each form and it explained how each is used. Teaching ideas and activities were also mentioned. In this unit
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In this unit managing and setting up classroom layout was taught. It also went through the importance of eye contact, gestures and the use of voice in a classroom. I learned the pros and cons of diffe
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This unit talked about how to teach or introduce new vocabulary, grammar structures and functions. I learned about multiple techniques and various activities that can be done in order to teach new voc
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In this unit, the third and final form of the tenses was taught. It showed seven of the most common used future tenses. I learned a lot from this unit. From grammar structures of the different forms,
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This unit talked about the importance of lesson planning, things to consider when making a lesson plan and showed an example layout. It also talked about planning a sequence of lessons. It provided a
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In this unit, two types of classroom teaching scenarios was showed. Immediately I can tell that on the first video, the classroom atmosphere will not be too great because of how the teacher started th
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Mount Edgecombe
Troubleshooting. Common problem situations and ways to deal with them. What the teacher need to do from the first lesson. Some activities for the first lesson to use. Warmers for inspiring students in
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In this unit, the second half of basic language skills (speaking and writing)was introduced. It provided information about accuracy vs fluency and how they should be used in a classroom. It talked abo
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This unit went talked about pronunciation. From intonation to the phonemic alphabet. It broke down the different manners of articulation. I learned a lot from this unit, especially on the articulation
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Unit 14 talked about the advantages and disadvantages of coursebooks. It also talked about authentic and created materials. The unit also gave pointers on what to look for when looking at a coursebook
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New Germany
In this unit I was able to gain knowledge on the basics of being a good teacher, and also clearly see which roles a teacher can play in class. It made me reflect on myself as a person and to orient my
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New Hanover
Most of the students at my workplace (an English after school) are able to understand about Past Simple tense and Past Continuous tense, however they tend to be confused about the difference between
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From my experience of ESL classes, understanding 'Present tenses' is one of the essential keys of English learning. This unit gave very clear examples for each present tense and helped me to review my
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I could learn how I can teach vocabularies to students in this Unit. Studying new vocabularies would be very hard for students whose native languages are not similar to English. Especially for Japanes
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Nottingham Road
This unit gave me an in-depth explanation of basic grammar rules that I have not touched on in years as well as reasons behind why we deal with an element in a certain way, some of which I do not reca
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Palm Beach
I learnt that there are many parts such as learner objectives, personal aims, anticipated problems,and procedure for lesson planning. I felt writing these on a lesson plan sheet is complicated at fir
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Park Rynie
The two videos contain very different attitude of the teacher and the students. Although the students of the two lessons' level are same, the quality of lessons are very different. One of the reasons
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In this Unit, I learnt about teaching receptive skills, especially for reading and listening. To avoid problems at class, I need to prepare for variety of materials that students might be interested i
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I learnt both accuracy and fluency are important, and I need to approach differently when I use these activities. For example, during an accuracy lesson, this lesson should be controlled by a teacher
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The explanation on the different methods of teaching in this unit gave me a structured view towards the teaching of English in the classroom. It introduced the many methods used from the past till now
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In this unit, I learnt that there are two different types of materials: authentic and created. I tend to use created materials for my class, but this unit study reminded me using authentic materials s
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I learnt that there are many different types of tests that can examine students' language levels and help teachers to prepare lessons and materials. Each test has different a purpose such as for unive
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The clear and structured explanations on the four categories of present tense provided an easy recap of the basics regarding this section. Apart from revising the rules behind the formation of each st
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Port Edward
It was very interesting to learn a lot of new for myfrself. The level of language proficiency. The topic of motivation. I consider it very important. Since the correct motivation and support by the te
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Port Shepstone
This unit covers modals, phrasal verbs and passive voice. There are many different modal auxiliary verbs: may, might, need to, must have to, have got to, can, could and etc. Each modal auxiliary verb
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According to this unit, teachers need to approach different ways for different groups such as levels of English learning, children, adults, academic or business. In order to teach children and beginne
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This unit covers troubleshooting. As an English teacher, a teacher will face a lot of difficulties when teaching, however, there are several solutions for them. For example, at first class, establishi
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Richards Bay
This unit is very informative with regards to the many levels the teacher and student assume; something I usually forget about when in class. This unit was a great refresher of these roles as well as
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Salt Rock
As frustrating and confusing as grammar might be; this unit was a great refresher for me. I studied functional grammar during my time at University, which feels like a long time ago. Therefore, this u
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Being a graduate of Psychology, I was not aware of the Methodologies within the classroom. Although I have been doing it in my lessons, I could never correctly define the terminology. I have always be
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This unit was a little more challenging than the previous units; simply because, as a native speaker I don't pay attention to the tenses as it comes naturally. I realize how difficult it has to be for
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Shelly Beach
This unit was an eye opener. If grammar and tenses weren't enough to get a teacher nervous about teaching, especially to second language students; then classroom management will. Teachers are very imp
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To be honest, this unit gave me a bit of a headache. But I know I will remember it more so than the previous units. Once I finished studying the material I felt confident as it made things so much cle
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