TESOL Online in Massachusetts - Teacher English Jobs

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This unit was very helpful in explaining some of the major teaching methods and learning theories, along with broad assessments of their strengths and weaknesses. The information gave me a good sense
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In unit 4 I learned about past, present and future tenses and more importantly how those tenses are further broken down. In my opinion, I don't think I will use all the breakdowns in class unless I am
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Before I read this unit, I was not aware that the style of seating arrangements (in rows, in a circle or horseshoe, in grouped tables, etc.) affected the teacher's position and that that was something
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Much like the unit on present tense, this was a well-needed refresher on different types of past tense. I have not studied the specifics of this kind of grammar since I was in school myself, so I hav
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The information in this unit was quite helpful to me, because actually teaching language elements such as vocabulary, grammar, and functions is something that I unfortunately do not get much chance to
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This unit was by far the most challenging for me, personally. I have always really struggled with remembering what types of grammar are called by what name, and the rules for when each type should be
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Unit 6 covered the past tenses and went into detail about how they break down. We learned how to understand when they are used and how to teach them in a simple way. It was interesting to learn that t
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As I have finished going through my first unit.I have learned about the qualities of a good teacher as well as the different roles a teacher should have. I also learned about qualities of a good learn
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After finishing unit two, I have learned a lot of lessons regarding the different part of speech which I can apply later with my future career. I am glad I was able to go through the different lessons
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In Unit 12 I learned the significance in teaching students about speaking and writing in English. We covered certain ways that instructors can make the activities much for inviting for students and ho
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As i have finished unit 4, I was able to differentiate and learn about the perfect tenses which I can apply and share later with my future career..It has given me a lot of insights on how to deliver t
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After finishing unit 5, i have learned a lot on how to manage classroom which will be useful in my future career someday. It has given me a lot of opportunities to improve myself and equip me with the
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The past tenses lessons given in unit 6 was a great realization for me in using the different forms for proper English language. It has taught me the different forms, usage, how to detect common error
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The study of teaching new language has given me a lot of knowledge on how to teach vocabulary, grammar and language to students.I have learned the different techniques how to choose vocabularies, gram
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In this unit I learned the importance of instructing students about pronunciation and how it can be one of the most important tools we can teach. It was interesting to learn the aids us as instructors
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In Unit 14 I learned the difference in course material and what type allows for the instructors input and creativity. I am a bit confused on "boomerang" lesson and what steps go where even after looki
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In Unit 15 we learned about the different types of tests used to gauge students skills, fluency, motivation, retention and many more. I was interested to learn what tests to give at the beginning of a
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In Unit 18 I covered modal auxiliary verbs and more specifically in the passive voice. Learning the rules of each modal verb was very helpful in digesting this units information. Now that I have a bet
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I feel that this unit has taken my prior knowledge of the relationships and roles of teachers and students to a new level of understanding. While I already had an established understanding of the imp
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This unit was an excellent refresher on the various parts of the English language, and helped me to feet more confident in my ability to discuss all of the different parts of English. There were many
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West Boylston
The content of this unit was rich in many different aspects, mainly focusing on various methods and structures within which students can engage, study, and activate acquired knowledge. I found the pre
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West Bridgewater
This unit was very complex and focused very much on the intricacies of the English Language, more specifically regarding the present tenses in the English language. As a native English speaker, I bel
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West Brookfield
As a graduate of an Early Childhood Education program, I have studied in-depth the need for professional and well thought-out classroom management. Without effective classroom management, effective l
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West Newbury
I found this lesson a bit difficult to wrap my head around, as the minuet differences in wording suddenly became vast chasms between the meanings of two very similar sounding and appearing sentences.
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West Springfield
This unit delved into the process of selecting and teaching vocabulary and grammar and how ESA methods might convey such learning. I truly appreciated how the process was so explicitly broken down in
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West Stockbridge
With future tenses, the complexity of the English language seems to truly shine through. I find the classifications and conditions that apply to each tense fascinating. The specific contexts that ap
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West Tisbury
This unit provided two very detailed and helpful examples of what ESA formatted lesson plans might look like. Each lesson provided insight into the challenges that students might face during the les
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Observing the contrast between these two lessons was incredibly beneficial to me. At first, as I watched the first lesson, I was able to find many areas in which I felt that the teacher and lesson we
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This unit focused on the importance and methods that can be used to better the receptive skills of English language learners. The unit not only gave the reasons as to why receptive skills are importa
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The main focus in this unit was the importance of productive skills and how to best employ them in the English-learning classroom. This unit also emphasized the differences between accuracy and fluen
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I found this unit to be extraordinarily interesting. As communications was another major that I was considering at the beginning of my college career, I found that this brief study of phonetic langua
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This unit discussed materials that will be used during instruction of the English language. It not only discussed various materials, such as course books, authentic materials, and created materials,
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As a future teacher, knowing the different types of evaluations that I will be conducting and preparing students for is extremely important. As I am planning to teach in China, there are many externa
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Again, as I studied this unit, I found myself in awe of the intricacies within English that are so easily overlooked by native speakers. The gift that it is to have naturally learned the changing of
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This unit focused on the different materials that are commonly used in the English language learning classroom. Ranging from the most commonly found materials such as blackboards and worksheets to ne
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In this unit, a look into the extensive rules surrounding phrasal verbs, modal auxiliary verbs, and passive voice took place. The table with the different auxiliary verbs and their uses and tenses wa
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This unit focused on the different specialized groups that might pursue an education that includes learning English. I personally find it fascinating to see how many different demographics pursue the
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I do not think that the importance of that first day in class can be stressed enough. Having a plan for how one will establish rapport, learn the goals of the students, and establish comfort and acce
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From this unit I have learned that I obtain many of the qualities of a 'good' teacher; specifically my kindness and patience with learners and my love for teaching. I learned that I am a prompter and
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This unit was definitely one where I felt that I have learned more about sentence structure and as such I feel like I will improve as a teacher. I have done a business writing course in the past, but
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In this unit I learned about new teaching methods that I didn't know existed. The method that I realized I have been using prior to knowing it was a method is 'suggestopaedia'. I have used this method
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It is easy to identify and use past, present and future tenses, but now I need to think further and incorporate the correct rule based on the aspect. Deciding if what I want to say is simple, continuo
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I enjoyed this unit about classroom management although many of these things I had to learn through experience. Due to lack of available space many of my classes are taught using orderly rows with me
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From this unit I was able to get some lesson ideas for helping students with identifying irregular past simple verbs, so that they become easily identifiable to the students. My idea is much like the
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I like how this unit was linked to unit 3, it gave further in depth analysis of the ESA structure and even caused me to revise the different structures for further clarification. I think after reading
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I think this unit helped build my understanding of the: simple, continuous, perfect and perfect continuous aspects. This unit definitely made me have to revisit my past units on 'present tense' becaus
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I have always taken lesson planning seriously since, after my first day when I ran out of planned activities and felt ashamed and embarrassed. I know I needed to redeem myself so that I can build rapp
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I think of myself as a visual learner and though I was able to grasp the concepts and rules thought in previous units, when I had to watch both lessons plans they all made sense and from the videos it
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This lesson is helpful because I usually do a classroom activity with my students where; I put a short story on the board, read the story first, then have some students take chances reading the same s
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One new thing that I have learnt is that it is necessary to check the test to make sure that all questions are present so that I am not marked down for a question that was not available for me to answ
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