The course gave us a comprehensive view of the essential elements we need in teaching the language. The grammar items, teaching methods and techniques, as well as lesson planning were explained clearly. Some of the suggested activities (especially for the Activate stage) might not be applicable to our current teaching
job because of its particular nature. We teach individual European professionals
online using our distance learning program. Although pair
work and group activities could not be used in our lessons, other suggested activities like roleplay, one-on-one discussions,
videos, articles, and any resource
material that could be accessed online would be helpful. We would definitely consider applying the additional knowledge we have acquired in establishing rapport, choosing the appropriate
materials and method for different levels, asking the right questions, encouraging participation, and evaluating the performance of each student, to our lessons.
With the sample activities presented in the course, our creativity has been challenged. We can face our adult learners with more confidence because more knowledge and bright ideas have been added to our experience. Now, we are better equipped to work on the details that would help our learners improve their language skills.